Now that you have that coveted final loan approval, there are only a few final things to do before you can pick up the keys to your new home. Although that dream of homeownership is practically in hand, these last items are just as critically important as any other...
When you’re trying to get a loan for your new home, there are two steps that might sound a bit confusing: conditional and final loan approval. Understanding the difference between these two stages is critically important. In this guide, we’ll break down...
For most prospective home buyers, getting approved for a loan is one of the key components of the home purchase process. However, getting pre-approved doesn’t mean you’re done! You still need conditional and final approval of your loan to fund and close. To ensure...
Every property must get a home appraisal as part of the purchase process. Unlike a home inspection that focuses on the property’s condition, an appraisal evaluates its worth in the current real estate market. This crucial evaluation not only impacts the final...
Whether you’re buying your first home or your next home, there are several disclosures you might see during the home purchase process. These vary from state to state and depend on the type of property you’re purchasing, but in general, expect to see the following...
Congratulations! Now that your offer has been accepted on your dream home, it’s time to move forward with the mortgage loan application. When you choose to work with The Potempa Team, you will work with a dedicated loan processor who will ensure all necessary...