Whether you sell your current home before you go under contract with another home should depend on your financial situation, how long you expect it to take to move your household, how hot the market is in your location and the availability of homes currently on the...
You’re ready to buy a home and you’re ready to make an offer. It’s time to enter into a contract. Before the seller withdraws the house from the market, they need to know that you’re serious about the purchase contract. An earnest money payment...
Major banks don’t have any loan products geared directly towards Airbnb rentals. However, there are loans for those who want to get into rental housing as well as a few other options for those who want to purchase a property to list on Airbnb. Funding for Airbnb...
Covid stimulus checks went a long way towards keeping the economy from crashing in 2020-2021, but we’re paying the price for all that “free money” today. Inflation is out of control, and we’re seeing price hikes now that haven’t been seen...
Many homeowners take advantage of the refinance option to reduce monthly mortgage payments, lower interest rates or to get a shorter term on the mortgage. Another benefit of refinancing that many homeowners take advantage of is using the equity in their home to pay...
When you start looking for your dream home the first thing you should consider is affordability. Buying a home is one of the biggest financial decisions you’ll ever make. You must know how much home you can comfortably afford and it’s best to know this...