When you’re trying to get a loan for your new home, there are two steps that might sound a bit confusing: conditional and final loan approval. Understanding the difference between these two stages is critically important. In this guide, we’ll break down...
Whether you’re buying your first home or your next home, you should know what to expect from a home inspection. Getting your potential purchase inspected by a licensed home inspector is a critically important part of the home-buying process. An inspection report is...
Every property must get a home appraisal as part of the purchase process. Unlike a home inspection that focuses on the property’s condition, an appraisal evaluates its worth in the current real estate market. This crucial evaluation not only impacts the final...
For many prospective homeowners, understanding what a mortgage pre-approval letter entails and what information it should include can be daunting. At the Potempa Team, our goal is to empower homebuyers with education and valuable insights into the world of mortgages...
If you’re currently renting, chances are you’ve thought about buying your own home or condo. At the Potempa Team, we believe that homeownership is not only a source of financial stability but also a gateway to personal fulfillment and wealth. Buying a property will...